Day 29: A Shared Life With God
I am the truth.--John 14:6 Opposite Day is masterful at deconstructing my will to live. My kids embody the post-modern decline into...
Day 29: A Shared Life With God
Day 27: The Awkward Silence
Day 26: The Ram in the Thicket
Day 25: Festival
Day 24: In the Details
Day 23: Paralyzed
Day 22: Kyrie Eleison
Day 21: Voices
Day 20: The Song of Vindication
Day 19: The Haunting of Heaven
Day 18: Another Eloi
Day 17: Tenderness Mocks Death
Day 16: Daily Bread
Day 15: Safe to Shore Part 2
Day 14: Good Question
Day 13: What is Your Name?
Day 12: Just Breathe
Day 10: Safe to Shore
Day 11: Want To
Day 9: On Cheating Death