Easter Sunday
This is where we are headed… Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the...
Easter Sunday
Day 40: Holy Saturday
Day 39: Good Friday
Day 38: Maundy Thursday
Day 37: Cripple at Your Table
Day 36: I Want You to Be
Day 35: The Sound of Scripture
Sixth Sunday in Lent
Day 34: Our Song
Day 33: You'll Thank Me
Day 32: Blind Bartimeus' Song
Day 31: Die That You May Live
Day 30: What a Mess!
Day 29: A Shared Life With God
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Day 28: Celebrate
Day 27: The Awkward Silence
Day 26: The Ram in the Thicket
Day 25: Festival
Day 24: In the Details